To discover some of the challenges which seniors face on an everyday basis, simply continue reading to discover a list of just a few of the difficulties that arise as individuals age.
The difficulties that come with being a senior:
1. Deteriorating eyesight
One of the issues which seniors face is the gradual deterioration of their eyesight. As an example, it’s not uncommon for seniors to start to struggle to read the labels on their medication or to have difficulties reading books which feature regular sized print.
2. Decreased strength
As individuals age, they’ll notice a marked decrease in their strength. Which can make simple, everyday activities such as opening and closing jars and going for walks a lot harder. However, by maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, seniors are able to increase their strength level over time.
3. Decreased independence
Many seniors slowly becoming more reliant on their loved ones such as their kids and grandkids as they age. However, for many seniors, it’s extremely difficult learning how to ask for help or accepting help from their loved ones. Especially after a lifetime of looking after their kids and grandkids and enjoying their independence.
4. A dip in income
Individuals who retire and live solely off government pensions often suffer to pay their bills or to be able to afford the same level of lifestyle, that they were used to when they were employed full time. As a result of decreased income, many seniors are unable to remain in their homes and are forced to downsize or to move into a rest home or a family member’s home.
While other seniors may have enough income to remain in their homes but may not be able to afford to go on regular vacations or to purchase luxuries on a weekly basis.
5. Problems with mobility
Many seniors also experience a decline in their mobility and may become reliant on a walker or a walking stick in order to get around. Other seniors may even purchase a mobility scooter, to make running errands such as visiting their local grocery store a whole lot easier.
Other seniors may find that merely getting around their own home is a struggle and may need to move into a single story home or to place multiple handrails around their home.
6. Loneliness
Loneliness is a common feeling among seniors. As individuals age, they may start to lose many of their friends and may not be visited by their family members as often as they would like. As many children and grandchildren of senior citizens are preoccupied with their own lives and their careers and children.
Often seniors just want someone to talk to. Especially if they are widowed and no longer have the company of their longtime partner or spouse.
7. Difficulty keeping up to date with the latest advances in technology
While some seniors take to new technology like ducks to water, other seniors may find using new pieces of technology such as smartphones and tablets difficult. Fortunately, if you are still using a smartphone or mobile device there are alternatives out there such as an Opel big button phone which will help you see and use your phone easier even if you are not as up to date with the technology.
Hopefully, after reading the article above, you are now aware of some of the common challenges which are faced by senior citizens!
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