My friend Ron Cadman used to always say that I should do more with the outdoor space that I have in my property and after resisting for much time, 2 years ago I went to a lender and borrowed a small amount of money and decided to give it a makeover. Now the only reason why I hadn’t done this in the past was because I always felt that my money would be better spent on renovating the inside of the property rather than the outside.What I had failed to realize prior to renovating the garden was just how much that I would love it and just how much both myself and my family could benefit from a fresh and clean outdoor space. If you have been thinking about doing your garden, here is why I’d recommend it.
New Hobby
I would be something of a fraud if I told you that I enjoyed gardening in the past, the truth is that I have never had any inclination to get out in the garden and plant, prune and trim. In fact when I was younger my Dad would get me out in the garden to give him a hand and they were days that I absolutely loathed. When I got a garden of my own however, I felt the sudden desire to get out there and try my hand at gardening, which I absolutely adored. I am now a fully paid up member of the green-fingered society and you may find that the same thing happens to you.
No Shame
One of the biggest reasons why I decided to eventually do something to the garden was because it brought a little bit of shame whenever people came over to the house. The old garden was a barren one, full of old bits and pieces, dying shrubs and brown patches. After investing in the garden however I am now more than happy to invite anyone over to the house, in fact it is something which I actively encourage.
Added Value
Something which I had completely failed to count on when considering how much money I was spending on the garden is that in doing this, I was able to actually add value on to my property. This is not always the case of course but when it comes to kitchens, bathrooms and gardens, a renovation can significantly increase the value of the property, which almost pays for the work itself. Across the USA there are house hunters who are seeking out homes which have beautiful gardens, and this not only gives the seller more value, but a far higher chance of being able to see the property at all.
My recommendation would be to invest in your garden wherever possible, there may be rooms in the house which are more pressing but the benefits which you’ll get if you invest in the exterior will make it more than worthwhile.