You only get one set of parents, so maintaining your relationship with them the best that you can is important. As life has it, you can’t tell how long they’ll be around which is why appreciating them while they’re here is a must. You may be looking for ideas regarding how you can improve your bond and make each moment with them count. There is more than one way to do this, and it heavily depends on their interests and personalities. It’s also about making time for them as with any relationship. On that note, here is how you can improve your relationship with your parents.
Call More Often
You’d be surprised at how much impact a phone call could make. In this age of texting and group chats, it’s easy to forget how much more sentimental it can be to pick up the phone and call. Call your parents more often as in doing so, you get to hear the sound of their voice which is something you’d likely miss if they weren’t around. Schedule a day of the week or time every day that you can call them just to talk and see how they are.
Ask Questions
Often times, as you’re growing up, you have pressing questions you want to ask your parents but may not get around to asking. It could be about their past, your family or even yourself. Take time out to ask these questions and have more intimate conversations with them. Some questions you could ask them include how their childhood was and what they consider the biggest events in their life. The aim should be to ask questions that will help you learn more about who they are and where they come from as well as who you are.
Plan Together
As your parents age, that is the time they need you to work as a team the most. Sit down with them and draw up a series of plans regarding things like finances, long-term care, social security and much more. If they need more assistance around the house as a result of an illness or just because they don’t have as much energy, you should also be discussing the possibility of getting in- home care from for them. Having such talks can solidify your relationship and enhance your connection with them.
Spend Time Together
Quality time is a way to improve any relationship and help you bond better with the person. Have days that are dedicated to family time where you can do things that bring about nostalgia and remind you of the good old days. Seeking out new experiences can also be a way of creating new memories. You could try a number of things such as going out to eat at your favorite restaurant or sight-seeing in new cities. Another family activity that may be rewarding is volunteering for a cause you all believe in as a means of giving back. These are memories that you’ll look back and smile about when they’re no longer around.
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