When you move into a new home, it’s in your best interest to get along with your neighbors as well as you can. Although there are no rules stating that you have to love the people who you share a street with, it makes your living situation much more enjoyable if you live in peace.
You never know when you may need a hand in your community. Being able to depend on your neighbors to help in a time of need or even watch your house for you while you’re away is incredibly beneficial.
Here are some of the best ways to have good relationships with your neighbors.
Respect The Rules
It’s important that you respect the neighborhood rules that are set in place. It’s important to follow local ordinances and regulations. If you don’t respect the rules of the street, it won’t be long before you start to irritate the people around you.
Always put your garbage where it’s expected to be put, don’t park your car in forbidden places, and always be respectful of how much noise you make. That’s not to say that you should never have parties or play music in your backyard. However, it’s considered common courtesy to let your neighbors know if you plan on making more noise than usual. Usually, if you respect your neighbors, then they’ll respect you.
Be Friendly
You don’t necessarily have to invite your neighbors over for dinner every Sunday; however, you should always smile and say hello. Being friendly just means acknowledging each other while still respecting each other’s privacy.
Take a Gift Over When You First Arrive
When you first move into the neighborhood, it’s a good idea to bring a gift to your neighbors. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or spend a lot of energy on it. Baking some cookies and giving them out is an excellent example of a neighborly gesture that can go a long way. If you don’t want to ring doorbells or have to chit chat all day, it’s perfectly fine to leave it on their doorstep with a note.
Keep Your Yard Looking Nice
Even though your house may be yours and no one else’s, your property is still in your neighbors view. It’s courteous to make sure that the view they see out of their window into your yard isn’t a lot of junk.
Your yard is a reflection of the neighborhood as a whole. Therefore, keep your yard well maintained and even consider adding some flowers or trees. Neighbors tend to appreciate when their fellow residents make an effort to keep their homes looking beautiful rather than disheveled.