Root Root Hair Care, a new line of products in the market, has undoubtedly carved out a niche as the foremost hair care brand in the United States. ‘It’s a surreal feeling.’ Says Irvin Lah, the creative director of Hair Tech—a hair product review company.
‘When you go into stores, everyone seems to want the Root Root Product line, and almost as retail stores stock them, people wipe them out.’
Root Root’s incredible story is the American Dream and a testament that if you create products that work and remain honest to your clients, you will certainly be successful. ‘But we must assume that the recent Government’s tax policies helped the company save on cost and increase their product chain.’ Michael Chun, a hairstylist, says.
‘The policies favor most haircare startups, but Root Root seems to have taken the opportunity presented in these policies and turned into gold.’
Vivian, a regular customer in New York’s busy Aura salon, says, ‘Their products work. It’s the acceptance of the limitation of one product that gets me. Most other brands will present a product and claim the product will work magic.
With media hype—especially if the brand has deep marketing funds, people will buy, but only to be disappointed.’ Like many other customers who come by the salon, Vivian believes that Root Root’s three-tiered products are the game-changer.
‘When I first saw the Root Root Recovery Serum, I knew it was the real deal.’ Vivian continues. Root Root Recovery Serum uses minoxidil—an FDA-approved drug that improves blood circulation to the hair follicles and enhances the hair follicles’ oxygen and nutrient retention capacities.
The Root Root Recovery Serum underwent many months of intensive studies and a broad spectrum of tests on more than a thousand people before it was released for pre-sale. The results of the tests were impressive.
In one of Root Root’s media statements, the public relations officer, Dr. Lang, reiterated that if the product testing had not yielded satisfactory results, ‘We would still be in the lab working our bodies off to get the perfect product. We are not motivated by the money, so we do not cut corners.’
Root Root Boost, another fantastic product in the Root Root Hair Care product line, is power-packed with herb extracts, castor oil, eucalyptus, and other ingredients, and it improves hair growth, thickness, and strength. In its all-around philosophy, the company released a third product alongside the first two: a multivitamin supplement.
The Root Root Vitality contains powerful vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants for enhanced hair health. ‘It’s an amazing company.’ Says Jack, a hairstylist in Manhattan, when he was asked about the rave over the company’s products.
‘When people consistently request for a product, then it works. It simply works.’ Jack says.
When you strip a company’s advertisement prowess—like what many gargantuan haircare brands enjoy, you are left with the product. A company can spend millions of dollars on a single ad campaign. In the end, the company must answer a fundamental question, ‘Does your product work?’
The dedication of Root Root to customers’ needs, excellent product line, and a team of experts that continually monitor the product, we may have an all-time great contender in the next few years.
Related reading: 10 Tips to Naturally Regrow Your Hair