Do You Need a Breast Reconstruction Surgeon?
Nowadays, there is a lot of emphasis on how someone looks. For women in particular, this translates into having beautiful breasts. However, that doesn’t mean that all breast surgeries are related to vanity. Rather, they are related to self-esteem. There are women who were born with physical deformities, women who have had accidents, and women who have had cancer, for instance, resulting in an “abnormal” chest. They therefore need a breast reconstruction surgeon to help them feel whole again. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why women may opt for this type of surgery.
Reasons to Find a Breast Reconstruction Surgeon
Breast cancer survivors
Breast cancer is a terrible disease that millions of women the world over have to deal with every year. Many of these women have to have a mastectomy, meaning they no longer have their breasts, or that one breast, or part thereof, has been removed. Many women feel that, in losing their breasts, they lost their womanhood as well, which leads to depression and sadness. Post-mastectomy depression is a recognized issue and surgeons are ready to help women reconstruct their chest. Many, in fact, specialize in this.
Breast injuries
When someone suffers a horrific accident or injury, they should be proud of themselves. And, in many cases, the fact that they survived is all they need to be happy again. However, if the injury affected the breast tissue, leaving them looking out of shape, this can lead to significant depression and sadness, as well as guilt. Women may feel guilty for focusing on their physical appearance instead of the fact that they survived, for instance. However, breast reconstruction surgery is available and having this surgery does not make someone vein.
Congenital deformities
In some cases, women are born with a deformity that leaves them with an abnormal chest. This is all down to genes and hormones and can have a significant effect on how women look. Some have completely asymmetrical breasts, for instance, others have nipple deformities, others have breasts that have an odd shape, and so on. Again, some women are happy to simply live with this, whereas others prefer to have surgery to feel better about themselves.
Surgical mistakes
Last but not least, some women have breast surgery, for whatever reason, and are unhappy with the results. The surgery could be completely botched, they could have developed excessive scar tissue (capsule contracture), they may have experienced excessive bleeding, their implants may have ruptured, and so on. There are countless potential problems. These issues often have a significant impact on a women’s mental health, leaving them to feel as if they are paying a price for vanity, or for trying to find the cheapest deal. Unfortunately, mistakes happen, even if the world’s best and most expensive surgeon performed the procedure. Breast reconstruction is available for those women, and there are now even surgeons who specialize in those types of procedures, helping women who are unhappy with the results of past surgeries.