When I was a teenager all I wanted to do in life was own my own record store but I never really saw it as a concrete plan, more of a wishful fantasy. As I grew up I fell into the rat race, took a course in marketing and began working for a digital marketing company where in truth, I was never really happy. Just before my 30th birthday an even happened in my life which kicked me into gear and after some hard months of saving up and planing, Soul Quest Orlando was born. I haven’t torn up trees since I launched the shop but I am doing pretty well and most importantly I am exactly where I need to be in life. If you have a dream of owning a business, here is why you need to go out there and do it.
Life is Short
It was a friend of mine who passed away just before I was 30 that made me realize I may not have forever to plan this shop. In the back of my mind I thought that I’d retire from marketing at around 50 and then launch the shop as a way to enjoy my later years. I realized very quickly just how arrogant this thinking was, working on the assumption that I’d still be around. I may very well be, but there are no guarantees in this life and you just have to take advantage whilst you can.
No Regrets
Even if you do make it to 80,90 or 100, there is going to be nothing worse than sitting in that chair in front of the TV in your nursing home, pondering on all the opportunities that passed you by which you are now not able to do. This is something that stays with me a lot and whilst I have no doubt that I’ll have regrets about things that I did or didn’t do when I get into a ripe old age, not setting up the business that I dreamed of will not be one of them.
There Are No Obstacles
One of the reasons why people don’t go ahead and start that business which they have always dreamed of is because they put up a number of obstacles. Not having the skills, not having the money, not sure where to start, these are all challenges not obstacles and just like everything in life, you have to meet them head on if you want to succeed.
Without doubt the number one reason why people put up these obstacles and put off setting up their own business is a fear of failure. To get over this you just have to think, what is the absolute worst that could happen? Maybe you go broke or have to file for bankruptcy, that happens sometimes but when it doesn’t it only results in problems for a short while and then you’ll get back to how things were.
Don’t hesitate, go out there and get your dream.