Did you know that you can save your office thousands of dollars per year by using a few proven energy saving tips? To discover some effective energy saving tips, which will help your company decrease its utility bills, simply continue reading.
On average a single air-conditioning unit will consume 4,000 watts of power and will cost around 1,460 pounds, per year. So if you want to save your business money, it’s well worth limiting your use of air-conditioning units. As an example, there’s no reason to keep your air-conditioning units turned on, at the end of the day or during the cold winter months.
In comparison, while an air-conditioning unit will consume 4,000 watts of power in a year, desktop computers only consume 100 watts of electricity per year.
Invest in a green, energy efficient air-conditioning unit:
If you’re shocked by the amount of money that it takes to run an air-conditioning unit, it’s a great idea to replace your old, air-conditioning unit, with newer, energy efficient air-conditioning units. A smart move, which should save your hundreds of dollars per year.
Replace all of your outdated appliances:
You may be surprised to learn that in general, old, outdated appliances can consume up to 90% more power than new models. So if it’s been years since you’ve replaced your servers, computers, heat pumps or air-conditioning units, now may be the perfect time to replace some of your office’s outdated appliances.
One appliance which is well worth replacing is your server. As an average server consumes 1,000 watts of power per year and older servers take more energy to run than newer servers. You may also be surprised to learn that after air-conditioning units, severs consume the most energy, in your office.
Replace your office’s light bulbs with power saving LED light bulbs:
While light bulbs only consume 60 watts of energy per year, just think about how many light bulbs are currently used in your office. As it’s highly like that your office features a few dozen light bulbs, it’s a wise idea to replace all of your office’s light bulbs with power saving, LED light bulbs. As a bonus, the average LED light bulb has a lifespan, which is 5 times longer, than a cheap, traditional light bulb.
Use your printers sparingly:
In today’s technology focused age, where you can share files easily online, make sure that your team members think twice, before printing out pages of documents. As on average printers use 50 watts of energy each year. If you use your printers sparingly you may be able to reduce this number to 25 watts or less per year.
It’s also well worth getting your employees to think twice before using your office photocopiers. As photocopiers consume 70 watts of power per week.
Final thoughts:
So if you’ve been searching for smart ways to reduce your consumption of energy in the office, it’s definitely well worth implementing all of the clever, power saving tips which are listed above. All of which will also help your business save several thousand dollars per year.