Many people around the world are surprised to learn that more than 25% of Americans volunteer every year. Although this number has declined from 29% in recent years it still means that more than a quarter of the population gives their time for free to help others.
It is sometimes forgotten that America is known as one of the most generous countries on the planet, and volunteering is actually built into the culture. People volunteer because they want to help those or less fortunate than they are end to give two causes that sorely need support. These causes might benefit families, children, veterans, animals, or the land. Whoever the beneficiary is the bottom line is that they have a deficit in terms of the funding needed in order to make sure that things are okay.
For those that volunteer, they’re great benefits that they give, and also great benefits they receive. Most don’t focus on those things that they receive, but they are worth noting. Here are a few of the most prominent.
Make an immediate impact
When you donate to a charity, even a local one, chances are they will be a substantial. Of time before you see the benefits of that investment. The money has to go into an account, the agendas of the non-profit has to be agreed to buy board, and then the money can be implemented. At that point it takes time for it to filter down into the actual objective. This can sometimes take weeks or even months.
When you volunteer, your impact is immediate and visible. Perhaps a church like Westside Family Church Lenexa KS having a cake sale or a silent auction, to is raise funds for low income families who are having a difficult time making ends meet. Your volunteering to sell or serve things at these events, has an immediate impact and will enable the church to raise more money for this great cause. So volunteering provide you with an immediate impact from your efforts.
Feel great about yourself
There’s no greater feeling than the one you get when you are helping someone who is in need. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to give of your time and energy to worthy cause, with no expectation of getting any financial remuneration. You were doing it simply because it is the right thing to do, and you hope that if you are ever in that situation, someone would do the same for you. This idea of giving sits at the core of what makes us good human beings, and it is an important part of what makes us happy in our lives.
Spend time around great people
Volunteers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. They typically have great attitudes, come from all walks of life, and are excited about living and meeting new people. It’s not uncommon to make friends for life while you were volunteering. In fact you can probably depend on it.