Getting insurance for your car, van or motorbike, is a legal requirement and you can not drive your vehicle, unless you have insurance. Whilst auto insurance may be a mandatory, that is not to say that you should buy it with just anyone, as prices vary a great deal. The cost which you will pay for insurance, comes down to the type of vehicle which you have, your geographical location, as well as your history as a safe driver. On top of these factors, there are also price wars between competitors which can drastically alter the price which must be paid for the insurance. Finding the right insurance is vital not only so that you can get the best price, but also the best cover. I was lucky enough to find great insurance with American Auto Shield, and here is how I went about it.
Making a List
The first step when looking for the best insurance, is to make a list of possible candidates, so that you can get an idea for what each company is offering. The best way in which to get started with your list is to hit a comparison website, input your details and then see which providers appear to be the best fit for you. After you have a few companies to choose from, it is time to start looking a little more locally. Many people discount local and small time insurance companies, as they are considered to be expensive and risky, but this simply isn’t the case, and most regional insurers have better customer ratings than some of the big boys.
Finding Discounts
Once you have your list of potential insurers, it is time to see if any of them are offering promotions or discounts on their cover. Because of the fact that insurance is such a competitive market, you can find a number of great offers to help bring your costs down. Very often you can find these deals if you bundle your car insurance with another insurance such as you home, if you insure more than one car, pay the annual premium up front or even something as simple as having a clean driving record can help to save you money.
Weigh up Prices
When weighting up the prices for each insurer on your list, you need to take all of the details into consideration. For example you may find a premium which costs just $500 per year, the cheapest of the lot, but they may tag on an excess of $300 for anything which goes wrong with the car. On the other hand you may have a company which is charging $680 for the year, but will only ask for a $50 excess should anything go wrong.
Finalise Details
Once you have selected the insurance company with the best prices, you need to review all of the small print, make sure that you are well covered, and then simply go ahead and agree to the deal.