Buying second hand can be one of the smartest purchasing decisions you make. When you buy used, you’re not just saving hundreds to potentially thousands of dollars on something had you otherwise bought it new, but you’re also doing your part to produce less waste in the world. However, not everything should be purchased second hand.
There are some things that are just better off buying new. For example, a mattress, or a child’s car seat are things that you should always avoid buying used. On the other hand, here are some things that you should consider buying used every time.
Musical Instruments
The primary benefit of buying a musical instrument used is the significant amount of money you’ll save compared to newer models. Used pianos, for example, are priced at a fraction of the cost of a new one, however they have similar features and quality. If you’re just starting to learn to play an instrument, it’s always better to buy used instead of new before you’re sure if you want to commit to it.
The great thing about musical instruments is that many of them are built to last for decades. In fact, if you manage to buy a piano from a certain era, you may find that it was built during a time when craftsmanship and manufacturing standards were much higher. In other words, you may actually find a better instrument used than brand new.
Buying used furniture is a great way to not only save money but also find unique pieces that you can’t find in the store anymore. Everything from sofas to tables to shelves can be found in great condition at a fraction of the price. Whether you go to thrift shops or you shop online, there are all sorts of treasures out there waiting to be found. Not to mention, updating them by sanding them down and adding a fresh coat of paint can be a fun project.
Used books are a great value for reading fans. The best part about books is that you can buy them in all sorts of places from garage sales, to online. Since they fit in the palm of your hand, shipping costs are relatively small, which is convenient for ordering them on websites.
Just because you read a book once doesn’t mean it’s the end of its life. Buying used books gives a second chance just stories and the opportunity to be enjoyed by many different people.
Electronics are one of those things that are considered used the minute you open the box. From smartphones to gaming consoles to TV’s, you can find electronics in not only working condition but often excellent condition for a fraction of the price.